Ancestors of Heather Roxanne larsen


32. Lars larsen

Line 322 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC Monge Frederiksborg, Denmark

Line 330 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI PLAC Brigham City Cemetery, , , ,

33. Anna Margrethe Jensen

Line 341 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BIRT PLAC Vemmlove Soro Amt, Denmark

39. Karoline (Caroline) PEDERSEN (PETERS

Line 761 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Karoline (Caroline) /PEDERSEN (PETERSEN)/

Line 771 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
BURI PLAC Salt Lake City Cemetery, Salt Lake City, S.L., UT

48. John Acomb

ord: GS Archive group sheet under name of Joseph Acomb (RIN 078).
IGI - Yorkshire
IGI - US & Canada, (GIS version), 1988
GS film #26,658 - Pioneer 6th Ward membership records.
GS film #1267146 - TIB extraction card of EH records
chr: GS film #919,482 - Fullsutton, Yorkshire, England parish register.
marr: GS film #1068325 - Ellerton, Yorks., England parish register.
IGI - Yorkshire
GS film #919480 - Ellerton, Yorks. parish register transcript
emig: HD CR 376-1, Bx 1, Fd 1 - PE Fund Co. general files
GS Film #1259741 - Journal History, 22 Apr. 1855, p.3
GS Film #1259796 - Journal History, 12 Mar 1891
HD CR271/25 #1 - Emig. Recs. of Liverpool office, Br. Miss. 1849-1855
HD MS 6084 - Personal Journal of Matthew Rowan
misc: GS film #26,658 - Pioneer 6th Ward membership records.
Personal History of John Acomb, Sr. by Edith A. Madsen
GS Film #87,625 (p. 68a) - 1851 Census of Ellerton, Yorkshire, England
GS film #464,219 - 1841 Census of Ellerton, Yorks, England

ordenance: Sealed again to Ann Hutton 8 Feb 1980, AZ, as per IGI.

49. Ann Hutton

Was baptized in England before coming to America.

Endowed by proxy by her daughter, Elizabeth Acomb Buttle.

Listed as Heaton on christening record.

chr: GS film #919480 - Ellerton, Yorkshire, England parish reg. trans.
marr: GS film #1068325 - Ellerton, Yorkshire, England parish register.
IGI - Yorkshire
GS film #919480 - Ellerton, Yorks., parish register transcripts
ord: Archive group sheet, filed under Acomb, John (RIN 067)
IGI - Yorkshire
GS film #177958 - Logan Temple Endowments for the Dead, 1889
GS film #177848 - Logan Temple Baptisms for the Dead, 1889
GS film #178087 - Logan Temple sealings to parents, 1889
emig: GS film #1259741 - Journal History, 22 Apr. 1855, p. 3
HD CR 271/25 #1 - Emig. recs. Liverpool off., Br. Miss. 1849-1855
misc: "History of Ann Hutton Acomb", by Edith A. Madsen.
GS Film #87625 (p.68a) - 1851 Census of Ellerton, Yorkshire, England
GS film #464,219 - 1841 Census of Ellerton, Yorks, England

52. John MacKay

ord: IGI - US & Canada, GIS Version, 1988

53. Isabella Jane Calder

ord: IGI - US & Canada, GIS Version, 1988

54. George Reuben Moses

ordanance: GS Archive group sheet. See file: Moses, Alfred (RIN 262)

55. Alice Christie

For life sketch, see file in possession of Stanford K. Acomb

56. Jacob Heusser

Apparently a businessman.

58. Stephen Moss

Was a shoemaker.

59. Elsie Marie Iverson

Name also spelled "Else Marie."

60. Lars Fredrick Erickson

Family records in possession of Pearl Young (dead?)
8737 South 1700 West, West Jordan.

61. Christina Nordstrom

research: by Ella Heckscher, Uppsala, Sweden.

62. Jacob Johannes Martinus Bohn

name: Also known as John Jacob Martin (English trans. of name).

misc: Autobiography of J.J.M. Bohn states: "In the summer of 1855
Pres. Brigham Young came to Iron County at which time all we
Danes were sealed to our wives. Bro. George A. Smith admin-
istered and I by his side translated word for word from Eng-
lish for my saints."

birth - Aalborg, Denmark Church records (GS #043073)
marriage - Randers, Denmark Church records (GS #051193) _______
autobiographical - "Morgenstjernen" v.4 pp. 17-32 | Scand |
ibid pp. 39-45 | 948 |
ibid English transl. in possession | B2j |
of Stanford Acomb. |_v. 4__|
family history in handwriting of JJM Bohn, in
possession of Stanford Acomb
biographical - "History of the Scandinavian Mission" by Andrew Jensen
pp. 75, 532
"The History of Murray City, Utah" pp 376-377
"Church Chronology - A Record of Important Events Pertaining
to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints"
by Andrew Jensen, p.4
"Scandinavian Jubilee Album 1850-1900" p. 69
"Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies"
by Davis Bitton, p. 34
"LDS Biographical Encyclopedia" by Andrew Jenson, v.3 p.604
ordenance - South Cottonwood Ward Recs (GS #026625)
Scandinavian and Danish Mission Recs, p.7 (GS #041937) (Bap.)
bur - Murray City cemetary - gravestone is on northeast side of cemetary.
misc. - New Orleans Port of Entry passenger lists (GS #200177, page 78)
Copenhagen, Denmark trade license records (GS #48131, page 293)
Gen Library MS 289 p. 4.
1840 Census, Aalborg Kobstad (GS #8511, pt 3)
Copies of origional writings of JJM Bohn in possession of
Stanford Acomb. Origionals in possession (as of 8610.05)
of Margie Jacobs, 2759 No. Edgewood, Provo. 375-6563.
Salt Lake Temple Records, Sealed to parents (GS #25261, pt 3)
Endowment House Records (GS #25165, pt 25)
Early Church Information File
Church Historians Deceased Records File
Deseret News (GS #6507, pt 76, 152)
Genealogical Surveys (GS Utah 71)
Patriarchal Blessings (GS #50673, pt 7)
Endowment House Records (TRIB #1458, Book H. p 68)

ordenance: He was sealed to his wife (Marie Olufsen Thorning RIN 66) in
Cedar City, Iron County, Utah.
He was sealed to various women, his wife standing proxy. See GS films
183400 p. 446, 454; 183401, p. 74; 183396, p. 167; 1262355, p. 252

sibling: He was a twin to Karen Marie Magdaline Bohn.

misc: He was an artist and a composer. I have been compiling a collection
of his paintings (photographs) and poetry/lyrics. These are in my

63. Marie Olufsen Thorning

birth: GS film #53520 (Church recs of Hedensted, Vejle, Denm.)
marriage: GS film #051193 (Church recs of Randers, Denm.)
baptism(LDS): GS film #026159 (Murray, Utah Ward records)
end: GS film #183405 (E.H. records, book F, p. 357)
sealing: GS film #183396 (EH sealings to spouse records, book E, p. 167)
death: GS book, US/CAN 979.225/M2 V3b Murray city cemetary records.
GS film #26974 Deseret News, May 18, 1909, p. 7
bur: Murray City cemetary - grave is on north side of cemetary.
misc: GS film #200177 New Orleans passenger list (20 Feb 1854)

sealing: sealed to her mother's first husband, Peder Pederson Thorning.
10 Jan 1955 El(der) Ray L. Christiansen, Pres. SL Temple.

name: on birth record, her name is spelled Taarning.
Known as both Olufsen and Petersen.

chr: her baptism was on 17 May 1830. However, it was published on 20
June 1830, which is the same date as the introduction date of her mother.
(The introduction date was when the mother was considered "clean" enough
to again enter the parish.)