[FTM] 12 days: Christian Euvrard's book on Louis Bertrand

John R Larsen john at larsen-family.us
Sun Mar 19 18:51:24 EST 2006


12 Days until the reunion.

Christian Euvrard has just published a book in French on the life of Louis Bertrand - one of the first 
French members and one of the first French missionaries.  He is planning on bringing some copies to the 
reunion.  Contact him directly if you would like him to bring a copy for you to purchase.  His email 
address is:
    "euvrard" <euvrardcmf at wanadoo.fr>

You can read about the book on the FTM website:  http://ftm.dnsalias.org
Click on the "Pictures - Memorabilia" link and then click on the picture of Louis Auguste Bertrand.

If you haven't already signed up for the reunion please do so at the website.  Click on the "FTM Mission 
Reunion" link for all the information.

Hope to see you there!


John R Larsen <john at larsen-family.us>

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