[FTM] Elder Landis' Slides Available

John R Larsen john at larsen-family.us
Sun Mar 1 22:35:56 EST 2009

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Date sent:      	Sun, 1 Mar 2009 16:46:58 -0800
Subject:        	Elder Landis' Slides Available
From:           	Jeff Coleman <bikejeff at gmail.com>
To:             	john at larsen-family.us


I would like to broadcast the following message to the France Toulouse
Mission community:

After the death of Elder Rex Landis and his mother, his father gave me
his France Toulouse Mission slides.  If anyone wishes some of them,
please contact me.  The collection includes 6 carousels.

Jeff Coleman
FTM 75-77
bikejeff at gmail.com
San Diego, CA
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John R Larsen <john at larsen-family.us>

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