[FTM] Late notice: FTM Reunion on April 2, 2010

John R Larsen john at larsen-family.us
Sun Mar 28 20:52:25 EDT 2010

Hello fellow FTMers,

Late notice from Don Stirling about an FTM reunion this Friday, April 2, 
2010.  I'm forwarding his email to the FTM list.  Contact him for more 


I apologize that I have not reached out to you sooner! Not sure what 
prompted me, but I felt a need to re-ignite an April/October mission 
reunion for FTMers. Thus, I am hosting a reunion, along with Michael Van, 
for France Toulouse Mission missionaries who served under either President 
Broschinsky or President Wheelwright, covering the years 1975-1981.


The details are as follows:


Date:                Friday, April 2, 2010

Time:               6:30 PM-10:00 PM

Address:           2984 Danish Brook Circle

                        Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121


                        Cell: 617-721-3414

Hosts:               Don Stirling and Michael Van

RSVP:              dstirling at operationkids.org


We will be providing the pizza/soft drinks and munchies. Attendees can 
bring a dessert if they so choose.


I have culled email addresses from a couple of lists and started sending 
out emails about a month ago. I then realized that you may have a database, 
as well, that invites should be sent to.


Can you send me ASAP a list of the missionaries you have and their most 
current email addresses? That way I can add them to my Outlook and shoot 
them an invite early this week. I am traveling to Boston tonight and will 
return tomorrow night, so e-vites would go out Tuesday.


Appreciate any help you can provide, and hopefully some from your list will 
be able to join us on Friday night, and if not, at a future reunion.


Thanks, John, and I look forward to hearing from you ASAP.


Don Stirling


dstirling at operationkids.org


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