Using the Advanced Viewer

Depending on the option chosen when the MI Disc View CD was created, it may contain the MI Disc View Advanced Viewer. The Advanced Viewer provides advanced image viewing functions. For example adjusting Window/Level, zooming in and out, and panning.

Note: The Advanced Viewer can be launched only from the Images page.

To use the Advanced Viewer, make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements described in the following table.



Operating system

Microsoft® Windows® 98 or later


Pentium III 500 MHz


128 MB RAM

Free disk space

2 GB


1024 x 768 monitor with 24 bit image resolution

Disk drive

CD-ROM drive

  1. Click the Images tab to display the Images page, if it is not already displayed.

  2. Click the Advanced Viewer icon on the main toolbar.

  3. A message is displayed, asking if you want to run an ActiveX® control that might be unsafe.

  4. Click Yes to launch the Advanced Viewer.
  5. The Advanced Viewer is launched in a separate window. For information on using the Advanced Viewer and image manipulation tools, refer to the online Help provided with the viewer.

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