[stanford_status] Early morning update

John R Larsen john at larsen-family.us
Wed Nov 22 06:02:28 EST 2006

Hello everyone,

It has been mostly a sleepless night for me.  Stanford has been able to
sleep on much lower doses of the pain medication than before.  He is still
very upbeat and insists that he is going to make it.  We believe in
miracles and need one now.  He was demonstrating his new Wii game system
to the many many visitors.  They had to move him into a bigger room to
accomodate everyone coming.  After everyone left he stayed up until 1AM
finishing up a quest in the new Zelda game.  We're glad that Phillip
decided to bring the Wii up with us.  He perked right up and had a lot of

I haven't talked with his doctor yet today, but based on the blood count
numbers as I understand them, it indicates that the internal bleeding has
stopped.  The hemogloben (?) count is what indicates internal bleeding as
it gets lower and lower.  The normal range is somewhere between 14 and 21.
 Stan's was at 9.4 in Nashua at the emergency room yesterday morning.  At
2PM in Dartmoutn it was 8.9.  At 6PM it was still 8.9.  At 2AM this
morning it has risen to 9.7.  The other important indicators have also
risen.  I don't know what this means, but it is hopeful news.

Thanks to all of you who have sent emails to us.  I tell Stan and Joyce
who has emailed.  I'll try to print some of them out later today so Stan
can read them.  Please continue having hope.  Stanford does!



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